

Helps taller and heavier plants stand up and not topple over.

See also plant-holder-2 and plant-holder-3.



This entirely optional 3D-printed part (which comes in two pieces) is used to help taller, and top-heavy plants to not topple over. This may happen because the growing cubes are not particularly stable in the net pots, and the plant may not have managed to hold on to the net pot very well.

Bill of materials

  • Food-safe 3D printing filament

Required tools

  • 3D Printer

  • PC running OpenSCAD.

  • PC running a slicing program suitable for your 3D printer, such as Slic3r.


  • Download the following OpenSCAD models:

  • Alternatively, if you are familiar with git and have it installed, clone the entire Project Springtime website from here and look for the .scad files in content/parts/plant-holder-1/cad.

  • In OpenSCAD, open each .scad file at a time and select "Design/Render (F6)".

  • In OpenSCAD, export each file as STL.

  • In your slicer, place the previously exported STL file. We suggest you slice and then print one file at a time.

  • In your slicer, you can probably use default parameters for your printer. (You know your printer better than we do.)

  • In your slicer, export the G-Code and print the G-Code with your 3D printer.